Rebrand and renew!

You may have met us in the last couple years as River’s Edge Farm LLC. When we first decided to start raising livestock with the goal of providing food for more than our family we knew we needed a name and rolled with it. What we didn’t realize when we’d picked it was that another local agricultural business had a really similar name and it was a bit confusing when we went places. So we decided to rebrand to start our 2023 and we’re now officially Tinkerville Homestead LLC.

This year I am really excited to offer a Chicken CSA and to bring back the Goat Milk Herdshare that I paused in the fall of 2021. The dairy goats are unquestionably my favorite part of our homestead and to share them and their wonderful milk with you again makes my heart full.

Speaking of the dairy goats, we had a new addition born today! Ibits, one of our chestnut Oberhasli does, had a doeling earlier this afternoon. Both are doing great! She needs a name though, any ideas?