Our Products and Services.

Summer Chicken CSA

Four whole chickens a month June through October.

Once a month pick up, choose fresh or frozen each month. Easy to schedule pick up around summer vacations!

Chickens will average 4 lbs each. Whole chickens only for the CSA.

Spots are limited!

Email us at hello@tinkervillehomestead.com to join the waitlist!


Sold by the pound: boneless skinless chicken breast, wings, thighs, drumsticks, and more!

Available starting in June 2023.

Goat Milk Herdshare

Interested in fresh milk but don’t have the time or space for your own goats? Join our herdshare where you “own” a part of the herd and get a share of the milk they produce each week!

One share = 1/2 gallon of milk each week

For more information email us at hello@tinkervillehomestead.com